Dog breeders and show dog enthusiasts shouldn’t have to worry about website design.
It’s too hard and not everyone has a flair for it.
That’s why our website builder completely separates design from content.
You create and publish the content. That’s what you’re good at.
We make the website designs. That’s what we’re good at.
And the Breedpost website builder sits in the middle to make your content and our designs work together.
This means you can spend more time curating and publishing useful and informative content.
And your website will always be modern and look great on mobiles, tablets and computers.
Get started with Breedpost
Get us to build your website or transfer your current website!
How do the dog breeder website templates work with the website builder?
All you need to do with our website builder is to create and edit pages.
Every piece of information that you enter into a web page is displayed on your website in its own spot allocated by the template.
There’s no dragging or dropping required by you.
It’s done automatically, including the formatting and positioning.
This saves you heaps of time so all you need to worry about is creating and publishing content.
This also means you can change your dog breeder website design at anytime.
And you can change your design by clicking a button. That’s it.
What are the dog breeder website templates?
Currently we have over 100 dog breeder website templates to choose from.
There are ten layouts with variations of each layout.
Each variation is different.The fonts and font sizes are different. Spacing and the colour palette are are also significantly different.
No two variations look the same.
Breedpost subscribers may request custom colours and fonts as well.
The layout will remain unchanged but the design will look significantly different when adding photos and a different colour palette.
Jewel is a bold design with big fonts and a framed banner.
There are five darker designs, some bright and five subtle pastel color palettes, great for all tastes.
It looks great on all screen sizes, perfect for mobile browsing.
View Jewel full website design demos
Frank is a beautiful subtle design with nice on page animations.
It works well for websites with lots of content and image galleries.
It is available in five dark designs and five light and pastel colour palettes.
View Frank full website design demos
Each Henry design has 5 colour palettes to choose from.
Henry moves away from a traditional grid design and will suit those with high resolution beautiful photos of their animals.
View Henry full website design demos
Diamond is a big bold design for breeders with high resolution quality images.
The animal profile pages display the hero image in full screen width for visual impact.
The thumbnails are square so the design views as symetrical and seamless.
View Diamond full website design demos
Spike is an elegant design that uses parallax scrolling and masonry grids.
Its blog layout is more traditional using a sidebar to publish latest posts and category listings.
There are currently nine completed variations of Spike.
View Spike full website design demos
Lassie is a subtle design with beautiful colours and fonts.
It uses masonry grids for both listing pages and image galleries.
This means the images will view in their full aspect ratios.
Lassie is great for heavy bloggers and those breeders with quite a few dogs.
View Lassie full website design demos
Hooch is a big bold design with big pedigrees and photos.
The top navigation remains static on all pages with a framed border around the template on the page.
It uses subtle animations and parallax scrolling for extra page depth.
Astro is an elegant design with a big and bold homepage.
It features overlay text on the homepage banner so your website visitors immediately understand who you are and what your website is about.
The page banners use parallax scrolling to add some extra depth to the page.
The listing pages use a masonry layout to take full advantage of your images and page summaries.
Slideshows are used on the about pages so users can easily scroll through your photos.
Astro is available in five light dog breeder website designs and five dark.
It would suit dog breeder websites with lots of photos and written content.
Lady is a compact website design with centred navigation under the page banners.
It has a fixed pattern main background making it appear as though the content is sliding over the top when scrolling.
Your site title overlays the main banner giving it prominence on your dog breeder website.
Lady would suit any type of dog breeder website.
Rex is big.
The images, text and banners are big.
Rex uses parallax scrolling for the banners and animation transitions for other page elements.
This dog breeder website template is available in five light and five dark designs.
Rex is best suited to websites with lots of content.
The big text and headings make for easy reading for your website visitors.
Odie’s navigation is different.
The site title and main navigation bar overlay the banner without being intrusive.
It doesn’t use a traditional listing page layout. The images and summaries are displayed horizontally using big bold photos.
It is available in six light and four dark dog breeder website templates.
Odie is suited to both heavy imagery and content and looks great on mobile devices.
Chance’s mobile navigation uses a slide in and slide out sidebar which also includes links to your social media sites.
The page banners are fixed so the content underneath appears to slide over the top.
The dog pages use tabs to navigate to the different sections using fade in transition animations.
Chance suits all types of dog breeder websites including those with lots of content and photos.
Which website template should I choose?
It doesn’t matter which dog breeder website template you choose because you can change it at anytime.
We recommend creating some of your website pages first when you sign up to our website builder.
It is only one button click to change your design.
So you can keeping changing your website design until you find the perfect template that suits you and your dogs.