How Breedpost can help improve your dog breeder website's search engine optimisation

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19 November 2018

How Breedpost can help improve your dog breeder website's search engine optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) is a practice, normally performed by marketers to help websites gain more visibility.

Search engines want to return the most relevant and useful results based on their users’ search terms.

Therefore you need to send signals to the search engines.

You need to let the search engines know that your content should be indexed and is relevant.

It can get technical, and it is a discipline itself, but we’ve made it easy for you to improve your search engine rankings.

All you need to worry about is producing good content that will improve your website’s visitation, engagement and loyalty rates.

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We’ve got the technical aspects of SEO covered

There are some technical aspects to SEO.

We have built into the Breedpost website builder the most important technical factors that can affect SEO.

Website optimisation and load speed time

If your website takes too long to load, then it’s not user-friendly and will affect the user’s experience.

So a slow loading website will affect your search engine ranking.

Our website builder automatically compresses your website’s code which significantly improves load time.

The builder also includes automatic image compression, so you don’t have to worry about resizing your images.

This means your images have been optimised for the web which decreases your website’s download time improving your visitors’ experience and SEO.

Mobile first design

Google is now indexing mobile sites first.

This doesn’t mean that websites with desktops versions only won’t be indexed. It just means they will be harder to rank.

All of our websites are responsive. This means there is only one version of the website which views well on all devices, including mobile phones.

This means that your dog breeder website won’t be disadvantaged by Google’s mobile first index.

What can you do to improve your dog breeder website SEO?

Here’s a few simple things you can do to help improve your search engine rankings.

SEO Titles and descriptions

The main components of a web page are the headline (title displayed in the web page), body text, images and the SEO title and description.

Of course, there are more components and those depend on the type of page that you’re creating.

For example, a dog page includes a pedigree, data such as sire, dam, date of birth, gender, coat type, owner, breeder and handler, critiques and show results.

For the purposes of SEO and thinking about that when creating a new page, we’ll concentrate on

  • Page title (headline)
  • SEO title
  • SEO description

What is H1 tag and how can it help your SEO?

Each time you create a new page using Breedpost, your title/headline/H1 is populated automatically.

Blog post edit page in Breedpost admin

What is a H1 tag?

A H1 (heading one) tag is a bit of html code that tells your browser that this is the most important heading on the web page.

So, it’s important.

It’s important to your visitors because it tells them what this particular web page is all about.

So if it’s important to your visitors, that is, it helps their experience on your website, then it’s important to Google and your search engine rankings.

How does Breedpost use the H1 tag on your website?

We don’t expect you worry about design or semantic html or H1 tags or any of that other stuff. That’s why our website builder takes care of all that.

The title of your new web page is automatically wrapped in a H1 tag when it’s published on your website.

A blog post page header using the H1 tag

Some different page types will have different H1 tags.

For example, each dog page’s H1 tag is the pedigree name of the dog.

A blog post’s H1 tag will be your headline of your blog post.

It is important to consider what the H1 or title of the web page should be when you publish a blog post.

The title should be helpful to your visitors and relevant to your article.

It should give your website visitors a sense of what your article is about.

Then SEO improvement should follow.

What’s the difference between my H1 and SEO title?

So your H1, page title or headline is what a website visitor sees when they’re ON your website.

An SEO title is what the visitor sees on a search engine’s listing page.

A Google search engine listing example

If you don’t add an SEO title in your web pages, the website builder uses the H1 title automatically instead.

Now this is ok and probably appropriate in many cases.

But let’s say you’d like a different title to show up in the search engines.

You can add the SEO title under the SEO tab in an edit page.

The SEO tab of a Breedpost edit page on a blog post

Why do I need a different H1 and SEO title?

You probably don’t in many cases. But you can gear the SEO title more towards improving your search engine rankings.

Maybe you’ve written a blog post about How to groom your Samoyed.

This would be a perfectly reasonable H1 tag because it tells me everything I need to know.

But maybe you offer your own grooming services.

You should probably give yourself a plug in the search engine listings.

You could use a custom SEO Title and use How to groom your Samoyed by Show White Samoyeds.

This will give your grooming business more exposure and add some credibility to your search engine listing.

What is an SEO description, should I add one and how can I?

An SEO description or meta description is the snippet of content that displays in a search engine which describes your page.

If you don’t have an SEO description then Google will use some text from your page in its place.

So it’s important to create your own meta description because its purpose is to get someone to click on your link from a search engine.

You can create your own SEO meta description for each of your web pages from the SEO tab in the website builder’s page edit.

An SEO description field in the Breedpost admin page

We recommend adding an SEO description for all of your web pages, starting from your homepage.

For example, for your homepage it would be advantageous to include your kennel name, breed or breeds and your location.

You need to put yourself in your potential visitors’ shoes and write descriptions that will encourage them to click through to your website.

How URL structure works and how you can use it

The URL of a web page may also impact your search engine results.

A web page URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of your website pages.

And URLs need to be readable by humans and by search engines. What does this mean?

When you look at a URL, you should have some indication of what the page is about.

So, there should be no strings of numbers or funny looking code bits that are impossible to interpret like this

It should look like this

When you create a page using our website builder, you add the title and this title is automatically used as the URL.

Using the grooming article as an example, the URL would be

This is a perfectly good URL that would impress all search engines and humans.

You can easily understand what the article is going to be about.

So, there’s nothing to change here.

But if your article has a long title, you could shorten the URL to make it easier read.

You can do that in our builder under the settings tab in the page edit.

The URL edit section on a Breedpost admin page

Use your own judgement but let’s say you have an article with a title like How to groom your Samoyed when it’s shedding lots of coat in between seasons.

Now this is just too long for a URL and search engines do prefer shorter ones.

But it’s a perfectly good heading for your article.

So consider adjusting the URL under the setting tabs to something like


This is now much easier to read.

Publishing informative and relevant content is the best strategy of all

Breedpost provides you with a fully functional blogging platform.

So, start writing relevant and informative articles for your target audience.

Blogging regularly is one of the best ways to improve your SEO.

Search engines love new and fresh content.

Your target audience wants interesting and useful content.

So, start blogging. Here are 5 reasons why blogging is important for dog breeders.

Other pages probably don’t change that much on dog breeder websites.

Dog pages are fairly static. Maybe you’ll add new photos and some show results.

Litter announcements come and go.

So, take advantage of sharing your knowledge and expertise whilst also improving your SEO.

It’s also a good idea to link between your blog posts from within your articles.

This sends signals to search engines about what are your most important posts and is also useful to move your visitors around your blog.

We can also help with that.

Breedpost provides you with an easy to use related function for every blog post.

For example, if you mention a particular dog in a blog post, you can select that in the related section and the dog’s name and a link to that page will display automatically at the end of the post.

Similarly, you can also add related show results, litter announcements and other articles.

This internal linking can help with your SEO as well as your well written, informative blog posts!

All you need to do is a few simple things to improve your dog breeder website's SEO

SEO is complicated and you shouldn’t get too bogged down in it.

All you need to do is put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and publish interesting and relevant content.

Then use the above SEO strategies and you should be well on your way to improving your search engine rankings.

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Author: Janelle

Janelle is a Breedpost Founder, ex show dog exhibitor, Corgi owner and loves to build websites. She's a content management specialist, has a Master of Information Technology and Diploma in Web Development.
