There should be more purebred dog blogs.
Registered purebred dog breeders should take the time to publish articles about their breeds.
Sure, a blog can be used to publish news, say litter announcements or a big show win.
But it should also be used to publish
- knowledge articles
- instructional articles
- success or personal stories
These type of articles will definitely help to improve the performance of your website.
Do you even know what you want from your website?
Define your website’s target audience
How about considering who are you actually marketing to on your website? Who is your target audience?
Let’s say the following points broadly define your website objectives. You, being an, ethical registered purebred dog breeder.
- promote purebred dogs and to be breed advocates
- provide expert advice and education about dog breeds
- sell purebred registered puppies and provide stud services to other registered breeders
So from here, you can broadly define a target market.
- people initially interested in a certain breed
- those who have selected a breed and are now searching for a suitable breeder
- other registered breeders for stud services, show dogs, advice etc
Publishing information to your target market is much easier using a blogging platform.
Sure there are static pages. For example, your individual dog pages or about pages.
A blogging platform allows you to publish articles that are organised by date and/or by category.
Then you don’t run out of room on your website.
There will be no more unwieldy large menus that pages have been tacked onto making it impossible for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
Why a blog is the most important component of your kennel website?
Ethical dog breeders should be breed advocates, breed experts and breed educators.
Dog breeders should be publishing blog articles on a regular basis, especially experienced dog breeders.
A website with an about page, some dog pages, a contact page and the occasional litter announcement, that appears like it isn’t regularly updated, will not engage your visitors.
Visitors expect comprehensive information. And why would they return to your website if they aren’t expecting new information to be published regularly?
Today, anyone can publish anything at anytime, more dog breeders should be maintaining a comprehensive blog.
There’s so much breeders can blog about and more breeders need to start doing it.
Other “breeders”, the ones with the made up breed names where they join two breed names together, blog. They blog because it’s a marketing tactic. It improves their search engine optimisation and makes them look credible to their online audience.
So, you should blog too. Your marketing tactic is to educate, promote and preserve. Promote your breeds and purebred dogs. Those other “breeders’” use their marketing tactics to make money.
5 ways a blog can improve the performance of your website
Here’s five ways why I think dog breeders should blog to help the performance of their website.
1. Drive traffic to your website
A blog can significantly improve your website’s search engine optimisation.
You are giving search engines (Google, Bing) fresh new content to index.
Search engines like websites that are consistently updated with new content.
So, blogging can significantly improve your search engine results.
The higher your results, the more traffic your website will receive.
2. Establish yourself and kennel as a breed leader and expert
If you publish valuable information on your website you can position yourself as a breed leader and expert.
Potential puppy buyers, other breed experts and others will benefit from the information that you are providing them.
And then they will use you and your website as a go to resource.
Publishing valuable information on your blog will also help to build trust and credibility with your online audience.
3. Develop relationships with like minded people
Blog posts may encourage conversations with like minded people from around the world.
Other breeders may contact you in regards to a particular blog post.
It may help you develop new relationships that otherwise may not have eventuated.
4. Develop your social media strategy
A blog can really help develop your social media strategy.
You can share a post to Facebook, tweet it or email the link out.
Others may also share or tweet your blog posts providing you with another avenue of online promotion.
5. Share your knowledge
I think sharing knowledge is the most important reason for dog breeders to blog.
There’s so many ethical dog breeders that have so much experience and information to offer.
Pre-internet, the only way to distribute your knowledge was to write a book or publish a magazine article.
Today, you can publish anything at anytime, whenever you want.
Looking at the big picture for purebred dogs
If more experienced and expert breeders blogged, then the online promotion of registered purebred dogs would increase.
It would have to by flooding the internet with your breed expertise and knowledge.
Here are some of the ways I think blogging will help purebred dog promotion overall.
- Improved search engine results for individual breeds
- General reputational improvement of purebred dogs as a whole
- Easy to find and comprehensive information made available to potential puppy owners
Isn’t that why you’re breeding?
Aren’t you breeding because you love your breed. Shouldn’t others get the opportunity to love it too?
Or not. At least they’ll know why.